Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Having fun in the mud

From time to time any drama director will tell you they wonder, "Why do I keep doing this, what is the journey I'm on?" By contrast many people when asked what do you want to do when thinking of filmmaking jump quickly to the response, "I want to be a director" as if the answer was a simple one. Few know or will ever know, what it means to lead a creative team, a cast and crew towards the collaboration of creation - the making of one vision. Few, who even work on a film production. For those that wonder, for those fellow journeymen and women there is no greater despair, no greater high, than to step into the sun's shoes and watch the world around you orbit for an hour, a day, a week or the lucky ones for months. We direct because it is what we do, it defines who we are, and why we exist without it we are empty vessels with it, we get to play in the mud.

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